Plus4Group - Ethical Use Of AI Policy

This document explains how we use Artificial Intelligence (AI) in our products and to run our business.

Artificial Intelligence (AI)

The use of Artificial Intelligence is increasing. Our ethos is to be fair, honest and transparent and this includes our use of AI. AI development is moving fast making it difficult to create one statement that will cover all uses, however, this is a start and it will be updated as the capability evolves.

How AI Is Used In Our Company

We use AI in 3 ways:

  1. Production of written pieces
    - generative AI is occasionally used to assist in the creation of written pieces
  2. Creation of software
    - generative AI is occasionally used to assist with prototyping small modules of code, however all code is tested by humans to verify security and function prior to release
  3. Within the software;
    - we incoporate AI in our event organiser app to assist in creating recommendations to speed up event organisation. Data used to train the AI algorithm is based on our years of practical experience in event organisation

Currently AI is used in only a limited way although this will expand as it evolves.


We’ll use AI where it is appropriate, where it will improve efficiency and benefit customers. AI assisted material will be checked and if not, it will be flagged.


We do not accept liability for the material produced using AI wholly or in part. It is used in good faith and it is assumed that the AI software has used only copyright free material. If AI is used, we'll fact check it where we can, to make sure it's fair, honest, factual and there will be acknowledgement that AI was used in its creation.

Last Updated: 27th March 2024